This repository aims to ease the treatment of hydrographic data available on hubeau.fr API. The data consist of mean daily flows captured by a network of gauging stations operating throughout France, known as the Vigicrue network.
It is structured in several modules:
- for each station within the user-specified Area of Interest (AoI), it downloads the location, code, openning and closing date of each station
- for each station, it dowloads the mean daily flows over a user-specified Period of Interest
- it downloads the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the AoI
- it downmloads stream impoundment features from Open Street Map to further perform a hydrographic analysis
- it reprojects to the user-specified CRS the Corine Land Cover raster file attached to this repository
- it creates the topographic material that will be further used to export data as Polygon vector layers
- it delineates the subcatchment of each station within the AoI, whether or not do they cover the time range
- it computes elaborated data (mean monthly flows and mean monthly flow deviations)
- exports them as 3 files : a point-geometry .gpkg vector file, a polygon-geometry .gpkg vector file (i.e. subcatchments), a .csv file
- optionally generates scatter plots of elaborated data for each station :
. "MMF" figures : hydrographs are plotted against their monthly coefficient of variations
. "MannKendall regression" figures : mean monthly flow over the whole time range are plotted against the linear trend
- 2 products as outputs :
. "mmf_average": mean monthly flow averaged over the user-specified period for each station and gathered in a same file for all stations
. "mmf_all": mean monthly flow for each month separately in the user-specified period. Each station is saved as a separate file.
- it delinates the subcatchments of those stations within the AoI that match the time range and have been analyzed in Module 2
- it generates renderings based on Modules 2 and 3
- it joins the "MMF_average" product to the delineated catchments
- it joins the "MannKendall regression" product to the delineated catchments
- it generates maps :
. one mapping the long-term trend of mean monthly flows for each subcatchment
. one mapping the long-term trend of mean monthly deviations for each subcatchment
. one mapping the mean annual coefficient of variation for each subcatchment
- it requires these 2 additionnal files to be downloaded at https://seafile.emse.fr/d/d21e4a3c2bf74432adfc/ and placed in the same directory as main.py and hydrofunc.py
- it performs a spatial analysis of flow deviation
- it computes the correlation matrix betwwen land occupation, strem impoundments and flow variability (or deviation, captured through the annual coefficients of variation)
- it outputs two figures:
. "Pearson correlation matrix" figure: the core product of spatial analysis
. "p-values matrix" figure: the corresponding significance of the Pearson correlation matrix